The status of women in the patriarchal church and society in Mizoram from a feminist perspective is not very progressive. As the patriarchal mindset and attitudes towards women remain the same even in the digital age of the 21st century, women are still in a state of “freedom in captivity.” Even though many women achieved higher economic status and hold various responsibility as top positions they still remain “women” in the patriarchal structure of the society. Thus, it is the need of the hour to accept women as human being like men who have dignity, identity and rights in their own.
These issues have been addressed by Mizo women theologians in the context of Mizoram, where the writers have employed feminist perspective. We cannot address all the women’s issues in this book but major concerns have been taken up for further reconsideration. We raise our voices, we raise our concerns that women and men are created in God’s image which is to be reflected in our society and church.
1. Status of Women in the Mizo Patriarchal Society Zohmangaihi
2. Women and Customary Law (Mizo Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance Act, 2014 Mimi Lalruatsaki
3. Christianity Reinforces the Mizo Moral Law: Mizo Women Perspective Lalrinawmi Ralte
4. Women and Politics T. Vanlaltlani
5. Women as Change-Makers Ellen Hlychho
6. Tribal Ecofeminist Theology from Northeast India: A Response to Contemporary Ecological Crisis Lalrindiki Ralte
7. Women in Theological Education Lalnghakthuami
8. Feminist Hermeneutics R. L. Hnuni
9. Women-Leadership-Pastoral Ministry Lalremruati Rokhum
10. Leadership of Women in Christian Community: Mary Magdalene Lalrindiki Ralte
11. Challenges of Gender Equality in North East India Lalnghakthuami
Ms. Ramthianghlimi, is currently holding the post of the Treasurer, ATTWI: Mizoram Branch. She is involved in Women Fellowship and many other social activities.
Ms. Lalremruati Rokhum is teaching at AICS, in the Department of Women Studies. She is the Assistant Secretay of the ATTWI: Mizoram Branch.
Dr. Lalrindiki Ralte is teaching at ATC in the Department of Social Analysis. She is one of the founding members of the Association of Women Vegetable Vendors in Mizoram.
Dr. Lalnghakthuami is teaching at ATC in the Department of Christian Theology. She is currently the President of ATTWI: Mizoram Branch.