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Tribal Religion : Belief System, Practices and World-View among the Vasava Bhils
Authorship Description
Dr. Fr. Robert Gabriel Mac-Machado.
Bibliographical Details xiv, 368 p. 24 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9360653624
ISBN-13 9789360653620, 978-9360653620
Year of Publication 2024.
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US $ 60.00 (Ubd.)
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This volume about ‘Tribal Religion’ portrays some of the rarely studied inner aspects of primitive tribal religion. While specifically studying tribal religion some of the inner aspects of primitive tribal religion go unnoticed. Religion exists not only in the living traditions of people, but also as a socio cultural reality in different parts of the tribal world. In the Vasava Bhil culture, traditions as well as religion is so intermingled with each other, that one cannot be separated from each other.

Bhils constitute the largest tribal population in India and the Vasava Bhil tribe is the sub-section of Bhils. In this book the author has tried to uncover the indigenous stratum of the Vasava Bhil belief system, world-views and life cycle ceremonies, along with the indigenous complex super-natural faith practices (with rites and rituals) in their ordinary living of life.

This book is based on extensive field work, interviews, personal observations and in-depth study of the Vasava Bhils. It offers passionate study lovers of anthropology interesting as well as thought provoking insights into the socio - cultural life of the Vasava Bhils.



Part I: The Tribal World

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Theoretical Backdrop

1. Early Understanding of Religion
2. Historical Background
3. Theoretical Approaches in the Understanding of Religion

Chapter 3: Folk, Origin and History

1. Demographic Profile
2. Origins
3. Bhil Myth on its Origin
4. Bhils in the Epics and Puranas
5. Historical Background
6. Sub-groups among the Bhils: The Vasava Bhils
7. Creation Legend of the Vasava Bhils
8. Historical Writings Regarding the Vasava Bhils
9. Specific Characteristics of Vasava Bhils

Part II: Field Datas

Chapter 4: The Setting

1. District Profile
2. Village Profile
3. Village Officials and Personalities
4. Religious Personalities (Intermediaries)

Chapter 5: Celebration of Life-Cycles

1. Celebration of Rites of Passage
2. Marriage
3. Death and Final Rites (Maywud Vidi)
4. Post-Mortuary Rites
5. Life After Death

Chapter 6: Celebration of God at Community Level

1. Importance of Festivals in the Vasava Culture and Society
2. Different Festivals among the Vasavas
3. Diwali – A Major Festival
4. Holi – The Major Festival

Chapter 7: Fairs, Festival and Household Celebrations

1. Fair (Jataro)
2. Household Celebrations

Chapter 8: Witchcraft, Magic and ‘Primitive Science’

1. Witchcraft
2. Magic and ‘Primitive Science’

Chapter 9: Vasava Mythology

1. Mythical Tales

Chapter 10: The Impact of Islam and Hinduism on the Vasava Bhil Religion

1. Islam
2. Hinduism

Part III: Recapitulation and Conclusion

Chapter 11: Conclusion and Major Findings

1. The Tracing of the Vasava Bhil History
2. Vasava Bhil Religion
3. Major Findings on the Vasava Religion
4. Recommendation for Future Research Studies

Appendix-I: Names of Main Vasava Respondents
Appendix-II: Glossary

Dr. (Fr.) Robert Gabriel Mac-Machado, is a Catholic Priest (Baroda - Gujarat). He is a brilliant student and a committed social catalyst. Dr. Robert is a first class double Post Graduate in Rural Studies and Social Work, has a Bachelor of Education in English, a Bachelor of Theology, and a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (Sociology Dept.) – from Veer Narmad University of South Gujarat, Surat.

He was a participant of Asian Rural Institute, Japan (1998), He has received iLEAP’s International Fellowship (2012) from Seattle – USA. He has attended Biblical Leadership Programme in Haggai Institute, Maui – Hawaii – USA. He also writes in national & International Journals of Anthropology and presents research papers at National conferences.

Dr. Mac-Machado is a life member of Haggai Institute (Atlanta - USA), Dignity International (Holland), Indian Sociological Society (ISS), Delhi, Indian Anthropological Society (IAS), Kolkata, The Peace Prayer Society (New York) and Asian Rural Institute (Japan).


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