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Emotions and Ethics : The Quest for a Scientific Foundation of Morality
Authorship Description
Dr. Dolichan Kollareth.
Bibliographical Details xx, 155 p. 25 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Written Words.
ISBN-10 9395457775
ISBN-13 9789395457774, 978-9395457774
Year of Publication 2023.
Further Details In Collaboration with XLRI-Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur.
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US $ 50.00
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In this book, the author undertakes an exploration of the historical origins and contemporary significance of the quest for a scientific foundation of morality. It traces the origin of evolutionary ethics, an approach to grounding ethics in science, from moral sentimentalism and the theory of natural selection. Central to the book are the empirical studies that probe a theory in evolutionary ethics—the relationship between emotions and violation of ethical norms. A meticulous examination of diverse emotional responses challenges established theories, revealing a rich tapestry of emotions associated with moral transgressions. From the intricate interplay of neural processes to the subtle influence of cultural dynamics, the book beckons readers to discern the myriad factors that shape the complex landscape of human moral decision-making and questions the pursuit of a scientific foundation of morality. In short, the book challenges preconceptions, uncovers hidden nuances, and invites readers to engage in a reflective journey that grapples with the complexities of morality, ultimately shedding light on what it truly means to be human.


List of Tables and Figures
General Introduction

Chapter 1: The Quest for a Scientific Foundation of Morality: Naturalistic Perspectives and Evolutionary Ethics

Chapter 2: Emotions at the Core: The Moral Foundations Theory

Chapter 3: Emotional Reactions to Community, Autonomy, and Divinity Moral Codes

Chapter 4: Emotional Reactions to Community Moral Violations: Anger Prevails Over Contempt

Chapter 5: Dissecting Disgust: The Role of Animal Reminders

Chapter 6: Dissecting Disgust: The Role of Unpleasant Animal Reminders

Chapter 7: Translating Disgust: A Cross-Linguistic Exploration of Emotion Concepts

Chapter 8: Reactions to Divinity Violations: Exploring the Overlap of the Divinity with the Autonomy Moral Domain

Chapter 9: Beyond the Emotional: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Morality

General Conclusion
Glossary of Technical Terms

Dr. Dolichan Kollareth is a Jesuit priest of the Kerala Province. Dr. Kollareth holds a licentiate degree in Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology. He currently serves full time as an Associate Professor of Psychology at Jnana Deepa Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India. Additionally, he holds a visiting Professorship in Psychology at St. Vincent’s College, Pune, India, and a position as a Research Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience in Boston College, Boston, USA. His research centers on the intersections of emotion, morality, and culture, and his findings have been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals.



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